Dialeurodicus niger  Bondar.

Nomenclature : 

Dialeurodicus niger  Bondar,  1923: 52-56.

Biology [Bondar,  1923: 57-60]: Pupal case ovoid, the cephalic side straighter; black without any wax or distinct shaded pattern.

Host [Bondar,  1923: 57-60]: Myrtaceae: Eugenia Psidium araca;  Indet. Genus.

Distribution [Bondar,  1923: 55][NHM, London] Neotropical:  Brazil 

Taxonomy:  Dorsal reticulated pattern absent; vasiform orifice subchordate shape;  operculum chordate shape; operculum with lateral margin rounded, cephalic & caudal margin straight ;caudal end of vasiform orifice with a projected spine-like process; pores present set in pairs or groups of three pores especially around the vasiform orifice ;dentate margin with light transverse incisions dividing the teeth;  some of the teeth include a large sub marginal rounded pore.

Related species: None.


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