Whitefly Pupa of the World Compendium and key to the Genera of the Aleurodicinae & the Aleyrodinae by John Dooley |
Welcome to the compendium and key to the Aleyrodid puparia:
Key to all the known genera of the Aleurodicinae (including the species of Aleuronudus, Aleurodicus, Dialeurodicus, Metaleurodicus, and Paraleyrodes genera) with associated data sheets for host, distribution, biology, taxonomy, natural enemies, related genera, and nomenclature.
Key to 31 genera of the Aleyrodinae with associated data sheets for host, distribution, biology, taxonomy, natural enemies, related genera, and nomenclature.
Data list of the known species of these genera including synonyms.
Data list of all the biological hosts with the associated pest in excel and HTML formats.
Website links.
Keys in PDF format:
Slide Making Techniques
Aleyrodid workshop 2006 Los Angeles Training Class
Aleyrodid pests of bananas (found in the PDF_PwP ETC folder).
The species of the Genus Trialeurodes (found in the PDF_PwP ETC folder)
Much of the datasheets and lists can be accessed by the HTML & PDF links or through the keys.
What is needed to run the LUCID key:
If this key is run from www.lucidcentral.org no Lucid player needs to be installed on your pc.
If from a CDROM, may need Lucid player version 3.3 or Player Applet
Browser version Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher; or Modzilla 5.0 or higher.
Latest version of Java (use link to install latest version install).
Everyone using or evaluating this key
should return the
evaluation form as soon as possible:
Provisional Version for testing 3c (Revised, July 26, 2006)
Images are cited if protected by copyright. All other is public domain.
Comments welcome (send to [email protected])