Metaleurodicus griseus  Dozier

Nomenclature [Dozier, 1936]: 

       Metaleurodicus  griseus  Dozier.

Aleurodicus  griseus  Dozier.

Metaleurodicus (Aleurodicus)  griseus (Dozier) Hamon,  1989: 2.

Distribution:  Nearctic:  USA (Florida)  [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49][Caballero, R. 1992];  Neotropical: Barbados  [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49][Caballero, R. 1992],  Belize [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49],  Cuba [Caballero, R. 1992] Jamaica [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49], Puerto Rico [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49][Dozier, 1936], & U. S. Virgin Islands [Caballero, R. 1992].

Host: Myrtaceae: Eugenia buxifolia.

Taxonomy: Six abdominal compound pores subequal in size.  Scattered specialized star-shaped loculate discoidal pores.  Lingula appearing as inserted or slightly extending beyond the vasiform orifice.

Natural Enemies [Martin 2004 Zootaxa: 49]: 

Related Species:  Superficially, this genus may resemble Austroaleurodicus with the same number of abdominal compound pores and an inserted lingula;  but differs from Aleurodicus (Metaleurodicus) griseus Dozier with the first four abdominal pairs without central process,  inserted lingula and a cluster  of discoidal simple pores present on the 4th abdominal segment (as per the written description by Tapia) characteristic of Austroaleurodicus

This species is originally placed in the genus Aleurodicus.  However, it differs from Aleurodicus because of the appearance of the inserted lingula (at least with those specimens that I observed) and the presence of specialized star-shaped loculate discoidal pores.  Six abdominal compound pore pairs present separating this species from Metaleurodicus cardini Back with only four compound pore pairs  present.  Should this species be later placed in the genus Metaleurodicus?

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