Genus:  Peracchius  Lima & Racca-Fihlo

 Nomenclature  [Martin 2005:  28-30]:

Peracchius  Lima & Racca-Fihlo

Biology: Not described

Distribution: Neotropical.

Taxonomy:  Outline. Puparia elongate & spindle-shaped, acute posteriorly, anterior may be acute or indented; Margin. Modified at the tracheal and caudal clefts with a caudal furrow present. Dorsum. With numerous tubercles in submedian zones. Chaetotaxy. Always with stout apical pair of setae at each end; marginal setae spaced and unusually long;  pair of setae present on on each side of cephalothorax, A1, Aiii to vii  with most or all capitate

Similar Genera:  Close to Bemisia giffardi but lacks the pronounced longitudinal fold from the cephalic to the abdomen and lacks the pronounced ridge bordering the caudal furrow.

Natural EnemiesUnknown

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Peracchius durante Lima & Racca-Filho


Peracchius durante Lima & Racca-Filho, 2005: 40

DISTRIBUTION:  Neotropical:  Belize, Brazil  [Bondar 1923: 127-179]

HOST:  Indet