Print Fact SheetArgothrips

Generic diagnosis

Small, macropterous or apterous Phlaeothripinae. Head as long as maximum width, but sharply narrowed to base with basal width only 0.6 of maximum width; genae extending slightly around external margins of compound eyes; eye facets more numerous ventrally than dorsally, but one posterodorsal facet enlarged and separated; anterior margin of head and first ocellus overhanging first antennal segment, posterior ocelli close to compound eyes; apterae without ocelli; postocular setae no longer than minor setae; maxillary stylets retracted to eyes and close together medially. Antennae 8-segmented, all segments pedicellate; segment II with campaniform sensillum placed medially; III almost spherical with one short stout sense cone; IV with 3 similar sense cones, V with 2 but VI with only one such sense cone; VIII elongate. Pronotum strongly eroded at anterior and lateral margins, also around epimera; only epimeral setae longer than discal setae. Prosternal sclerites and anterior margin of mesosternum eroded, only ferna present; minute setae present in position of basantra; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Metanotum with no sculpture medially. Fore tarsus without tooth; mid and hind tibiae without stout setae (fore wing not seen). Pelta very broadly triangular, tergite II eroded laterally; II–VII with no sculpture lines and no wing-retaining setae in macroptera or aptera; VIII and IX with posteroangular setae long and finely pointed; tube much shorter than head, lateral margins weakly concave. Sternites without reticulate areas. Male not known.

Nomenclatural data

Argothrips Mound & Tree, 2017: 446. Type species Argothrips ommatus Mound & Tree, 2017, by monotypy.

There is only one species in this genus.
Australian species
Argothrips ommatus Mound & Tree, 2017: 446

Relationship data

Judging from the position of the sensorium on antennal segment II, this genus is possibly a member of the Plectrothripini in the Phlaeothripinae

Distribution data

The only included species was described from northern Australia and then subsequently recorded from Malaysia.

Biological data

The species is presumably fungus-feeding on dead branches.


Mound LA & Ng YF (2018) Autapomorphies in the generic classification of Plectrothripini (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae), with a new genus and a new record from Malaysia. Zootaxa 4402 (2): 390–394.

Mound LA & Tree DJ (2017) Two new Australian fungus-feeding thrips in two new Plectrothripini genera (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae) Zootaxa 4273 (3): 443–446.