Print Fact SheetBuffettithrips

Generic diagnosis

Slender, pale, macropterous Phlaeothripinae. Head long with genae slightly constricted behind large eyes, weakly projecting in front of eyes; postocular setae arising behind inner margin of eyes; stylets less than 1/5 of head width apart, not retracted as deeply as postocular setae. Antennae 8-segmented, III with 3 sense cones, IV with 4. Pronotum with 5 pairs of major setae; notopleural sutures complete or weakly incomplete; prosternal basantra weak, ferna broadly triangular but not meeting in mid-line, mesopresternum transverse; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Fore tarsal tooth not developed; fore wings not constricted medially, without duplicated cilia. Pelta elongate bell-shaped; tergites II–VII with 2 pairs of wing-retaining setae, each posterior pair thicker than anterior pair; tergite IX with interstitial setal pair 0.5 as long as S1; tube with straight sides, shorter than head. Male similar to female but smaller; tergite IX setae S2 shorter and stouter; sternite VIII with large rectangular pore plate.

Nomenclatural data

Buffettithrips Mound & Wells, 2015: 192. Type species Buffettithrips rauti Mound & Wells, 2015, by monotypy.

Only one species is known in this genus.
Australian species
Buffettithrips rauti Mound & Wells, 2015: 194

Relationship data

The single species in this genus is probably related to the Phlaeothripinae genus Adraneothrips.

Distribution data

Known only from Norfolk Island, this thrips is possibly endemic to that island as it has consistently been found breeding on the dead leaves of an endemic plant species.

Biological data

The only known species breeds on the dead fallen leaves of Cordyline obtecta [Asparagaceae].


Mound LA & Wells A (2015) Endemics and adventives: Thysanoptera (Insecta) Biodiversity of Norfolk, a tiny Pacific Island. Zootaxa 3964 (2): 183–210.