Print Fact SheetHexadikothrips

Generic diagnosis

Brownish yellow, minute, wingless Phlaeothripinae with antennal segments VI-VIII broadly fused. Head with eyes reduced to about 10 facets; vertex reticulate; maxillary stylets retracted to compound eyes, close together medially; mouth cone extending across prosternum. Antennae 8-segmented but VI–VIII fused; antennal segment III with no sense cone, IV with 2 sense cones. Pronotum with notopleural sutures complete. Prosternal basantra and mesopresternum not present; ferna small and transverse; meso-eusternum deeply eroded medially; metathoracic sternopleural sutures present. Meso- and metanota transverse. Fore tarsal tooth absent in female, present in male. Pelta broad; tergites II–VII with one or more transverse rows of fine discal setae; one pair of tergal marginal setae, apices capitate and broadly asymmetric; tergite IX setae about 0.3 as long as tube; tube slightly longer than tergite VIII. Male with tergite IX setae similar to those of female; sternite VIII with small pore plate.

Nomenclatural data

Hexadikothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004: 199. Type species Hexadikothrips dalbyi Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004, by monotypy

Only one species is placed in this genus.

Australian species
Hexadikothrips dalbyi Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004: 199

Relationship data

This is one of the Rhopalothripoides suite of genera of Phlaeothripinae on Acacia trees in Australia.

Distribution data

Recorded only in southeastern Queensland, Australia.

Biological data

This species was found on young branches of Acacia harpophylla.


Crespi BJ, Morris DC & Mound LA (2004) Evolution of ecological and behavioural diversity: Australian Acacia thrips as model organisms. Australian Biological Resources Study & Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, pp. 1–328.