Print Fact SheetOstlingothrips

Generic diagnosis

Small, dark apterous Phlaeothripinae. Head with vertex reticulate, with two longitudinal rows of fine setae; postocular setae blunt, scarcely reaching posterior margin of eye; eyes much smaller ventrally than dorsally; genae parallel, narrowed sharply at base; maxillary stylets retracted to eyes, close together medially; mouth cone broad. Antennae 8-segmented, III with one small slender sense cone ventrally, IV with one sense cone ventrally or 2 ventrolaterally; VI broad at apex. Pronotum with notopleural sutures complete, major setae short and capitate. Prosternal basantra and mesopresternum not developed, ferna transverse; metathoracic sterno-pleural sutures well developed. Meso- and metanota short and broadly transverse, metanotum not reticulate medially; mesothoracic spiracular area prominent. Fore tarsal tooth small in female but large in male, with fore tibiae long and curved and fore femora swollen. Mid and hind tibiae of both sexes with one long seta on external apical margin extending beyond apex of tarsus. Pelta transverse, reticulate; tergites reticulate, with one or more transverse rows of fine discal setae, posterior margin with one pair of major setae; tube shorter than head, anal setae short. Male sternite VIII with pore plate; tergite IX setae S1 and S2 either different or equal in size.

Nomenclatural data

Ostlingothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004: 267. Type species Ostlingothrips pastus Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004, by original designation.

Only two species are known in this genus.

Australian species
Ostlingothrips corini Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004: 267
Ostlingothrips pastus Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004: 267

Relationship data

Presumably related to the Rhopalothripoides group of genera on Acacia trees.

Distribution data

The genus is known only from Australia, with the type species widespread across the continent in the semi-arid zone.

Biological data

One of the group of opportunist species that are found on various Acacia species. These thrips live in split bark of branches, old abandoned galls and leaf mines.


Crespi BJ, Morris DC & Mound LA (2004) Evolution of ecological and behavioural diversity: Australian Acacia thrips as model organisms. Australian Biological Resources Study & Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, pp. 1–328.