Print Fact SheetSenithrips

Generic diagnosis

Minute apterous, bicoloured Phlaeothripinae, lacking ocelli and wing sclerites. Head longer than wide, genae convex but constricted at basal neck, vertex slightly overhanging antennal bases, dorsal surface reticulate with three rows of small setae; compound eyes each reduced to 6 facets; maxillary stylets retracted to eyes and closely parallel medially; mouthcone short and rounded. Antennae 6-segmented, III without sense cones, IV with 2 sense cones, VI–VIII fused with no trace of sutures. Pronotum transverse, all setae minute, notopleural sutures apparently fused. Meso-metanotal suture apparently fused, metanotum broader at posterior, all setae small. Prosternal basantra absent, ferna transversely oval, mesopresternum eroded medially but forming two transverse sclerites, mesoeusternum with median longitudinal division; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Fore tarsus without tooth. Pelta broad but slender, reticulate with submarginal line; tergites II–VII finely sculptured, with transverse row of more than 12 small setae, posterior margin with one pair of small curved setae laterally, and one pair of curved posteroangular setae; tergite IX setae S1 capitate, S2 blunt, S3 acute; tube short with short anal setae. Male similar to female; no sternal pore plate; tergite IX setae S2 stout.

Nomenclatural data

Senithrips Mound & Minaei, 2006: 9. Type species Senithrips psomus Mound & Minaei, 2006, by monotypy.

Only one species is known in this genus.  

Australian species
Senithrips psomus Mound & Minaei, 2006: 10

Relationship data

Based only on apterae, the relationships of this genus are unclear. The third antennal segment is very small, as in most species of Lissothrips, but the prosternal ferna are unusually large, and the pelta extends widely across the anterior margin of the second abdominal tergite.

Distribution data

Known only from Barrow Island, Western Australia.

Biological data

The only known species is presumably fungus-feeding at the base of Triodia [Poaceae].


Mound LA & Minaei K (2006) New fungus-feeding thrips (Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripinae) from tropical Australia. Zootaxa 1150: 1–17.