Print Fact SheetZemiathrips

Generic diagnosis

Medium-sized usually wingless Phlaeothripinae, with small head but broad abdomen, and no polymorphism associated with sex or body size. Head slightly prolonged in front of eyes, projecting between enlarged basal antennal segments; genae swollen, eyes small; vertex usually reticulate; stylets wide apart, low in head, mouth cone short. Antennae 8- segmented; segments I–III with dorsal setae sometimes capitate, III and IV each with two sense cones; VIII constricted to base, terminal setae long. Pronotum usually with weak reticulation, notopleural sutures complete or incomplete; four pairs of long major setae, anteroangular setae minute. Prosternal basantra usually well developed, ferna and mesopresternum large; metathoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Mesonotum transverse, metanotum with one pair of major setae medially. Fore tarsi sometimes with small tooth. Fore wing without duplicated cilia. Pelta transversely rectangular; tergites with or without sculpture, bearing 2 (or 3) pairs of long major setae; tergites with only one pair of wing-retaining setae, minute in apterae but straight or sigmoid in macropterae; tergite IX setae S1 and S2 long, blunt to capitate, S3 shorter and acute; tube shorter than head, anal setae short. Sternites with 10–12 discal setae in transverse row; median marginal setae short, lateral marginal setae usually longer. Male similar to female but smaller, sternite VIII without pore plate; tergite IX setae S2 not short and stout.

Nomenclatural data

Zemiathrips Mound, 2002: 210. Type species Zemiathrips triseta Mound, 2002, by original designation.

There are only five species described in this genus.  

Australian species
Zemiathrips anatolis Mound, 2002: 212
Zemiathrips biseta Mound, 2002: 212
Zemiathrips greensladeae Mound, 2002: 213
Zemiathrips triseta Mound, 2002: 214
Zemiathrips uptoni Mound, 2002: 214

Relationship data

This endemic Australian genus is possibly related to several genera found in leaf-litter around the world, such as Eurythrips and Terthrothrips that are particularly species-rich in the New World.

Distribution data

This genus is known only from Australia, and is widespread across the continent.

Biological data

These species are fungus-feeding in leaf-litter, but they are mainly associated with the leaf-litter under Eucalyptus trees.


Mound LA (2002) Zemiathrips; a new genus of fungus-feeding phlaeothripine Thysanoptera in Australian leaf-litter. Australian Journal of Entomology 41: 209–215.