WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet


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Name and Authority

Caladenia R.Br.

Common Name

Spider, Dragon, Zebra, Candy, Fan, Fairy Orchids

Originally Described by

Robert Brown in Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 323 (1810)

Flowering Months

Jan Feb · Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Caladenia species have a prominently hairy leaf, a hairy flowering stem and up to eight flowers, although most have between one and three flowers. Flower shape varies from those commonly known as Spider Orchids which have long, narrow petals and sepals to Fairy Orchids which have short, broad petals and sepals. While some species such as those found in the King Spider Orchid (C. huegelii) complex have apical clubs on the petals and/or sepals others such as those found in the Wispy Spider Orchid (C. filamentosa) complex lack clubs. All species have a labellum with ornamental glandular lamina calli.

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