WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Caladenia bryceana subsp. cracens

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Name and Authority

Caladenia bryceana subsp. cracens Hopper & A.P.Br.

Synonyms (previous names)

Arachnorchis bryceana subsp. cracens; Phlebochilus bryceana subsp. cracens

Common Name

Northern Dwarf Spider Orchid

Complex Name

Caladenia bryceana complex (Dwarf Spider Orchids)

Originally Described by

Stephen Hopper & Andrew Brown in Nuytsia 14:197-199, Figs. 44H-K (2001)

Distribution and Habitat

East Yuna to Nerren Nerren Station, growing in sandy and sandy-clay soils in woodlands and shrublands.

Flowering Months

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A northern subspecies 30–80 mm high with a hairy leaf 40–80 mm long by 5–9 mm wide and one (rarely two) green to apricot flowers 10–15 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

Calli are often absent from the middle of the labellum and this feature along with its northerly distribution readily seperates it from the typical subspecies.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Threatened (Endangered)

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