WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Caladenia sp. 'sedges'

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Name and Authority

Caladenia sp. 'sedges'

Common Name

Sedge Spider Orchid

Complex Name

Caladenia longicauda (White Spider Orchids)

Originally Described by


Distribution and Habitat

Tone Bridge to Cranbrook, growing in sandy-clay soils in seasonally wet flats and drainage lines. Habitat comprises open Eucalyptus wandoo woodland over scattered shrubs and sedges

Flowering Months

· · · · · · · · Sep Oct · ·


A recently recognised species 200–550 mm high with a hairy leaf 80–170 mm long by 5–10 mm wide and up to three pale lemon yellow to creamy yellow flowers 50–80 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It was previously placed with Christine’s Spider Orchid (Caladenia christineae) but has pale lemon-yellow to creamy-yellow flowers, rather than creamy-white flowers, usually pendulous to sub-pendulous petals and lateral sepals, rather than spreading to downcurved petals and lateral sepals, a smaller labellum and a generally earlier flowering period.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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