WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Caladenia x exoleta

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Name and Authority

Caladenia x exoleta Hopper & A.P. Br.

Synonyms (previous names)

Jonesiopsis exoleta

Common Name

Dark-sepaled Spider Orchid

Originally Described by

Stephen Hopper & Andrew Brown in Nuytsia 14(1/2): 292-295, Fig. 74 (2001)

Distribution and Habitat

North east of Wubin to Katanning, growing in sandy-clay soils on breakaways and granite outcrops and also more rarely in woodlands and shrublands.

Flowering Months

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A common hybrid 120–400 mm high with a dull green, prominently hairy leaf 90–160 mm long by 4–6 mm wide and up to three creamy-white, red-marked flowers 50–70 mm across.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed


A hybrid between Chameleon Spider Orchid (Caladenia dimidia) and Clown Orchid (C. roei).

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