WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Caladenia x lavandulacea

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Name and Authority

Caladenia x lavandulacea R.S. Rogers

Synonyms (previous names)

Jonesiopsis × lavandulacea

Common Name

Lavender Spider Orchid

Originally Described by

Richard Rogers in Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 51: 11 (1927)

Distribution and Habitat

York to Narrogin, growing in woodlands and shrublands.

Flowering Months

· · · · · · · · Sep · · ·


A rare hybrid 120–160 mm high with a dull green, prominently hairy leaf 100–140 mm long by 3–4 mm wide and up to two white, red-marked flowers 30–50 mm across. The orchid is unusual in having clubbed petals and sepals and an entire labellum.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed


A hybrid of unknown parentage. Rare hybrids between Puppet Orchid (Caladenia incrassata) and Sigmoid Spider Orchid (C. sigmoidea) are similar in appearance but neither of these species have been seen as far west as York and Narrogin where the type of Caladenia × lavandulacea was collected.

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