WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Calochilus barbarossa

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Name and Authority

Calochilus barbarossa R.L.Barrett, M.D.Barrett & K.W.Dixon

Synonyms (previous names)

Calochilus sp. 'Theda Station'

Common Name

Lady beard orchid

Originally Described by

Russell Barrett, Matthew Barrett & Kingsley Dixon in Telopea 25:216-218, Fig. 4 (2022)

Distribution and Habitat

Kimberley region, Prince Regent River to Theda Station, growing in. sandy to loamy soils in seasonally wet sites, often in a few centimetres of water. The species usually produces flowers just above the low sedges that are common where it grows. The species is also found on Melville Island in the Northern Territory.

Flowering Months

Jan Feb · · · · · · · · · Dec


A recently discovered species 300–700 mm high with a smooth leaf 150–300 mm long by 1.5–3 mm wide and up to 10 red-brown and green flowers about 9 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from Little Beard Orchid (Calochilus kimberleyensis) with which it sometimes grows by its taller flower scapes and more numerous flowers.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority Three

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