WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Calochilus pruinosus

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Name and Authority

Calochilus pruinosus D.L.Jones

Synonyms (previous names)

Calochilus aff. campestris

Common Name

Mallee Beard Orchid

Originally Described by

David Jones in Austral.Orchid Res. 5:67-68 (2006)

Distribution and Habitat

Ravensthorpe to Eyre with an old record south of the Stirling Ranges, growing in deep sandy soils in coastal woodlands. There is an old record from south of the Stirling Range. However it has not been seen there for some years. The species is also found in South Australia.

Flowering Months

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A rare species 120–200 mm high with a smooth leaf 10–150 mm long by 8–10 mm wide (when present) and up to 15 dull green, yellow and red-purple flowers 9–11 mm across. It often (but not always) lacks a fully developed leaf.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from other south-west Western Australian Beard Orchids by its smaller flowers. shorter labellum (beard) and easterly distribution.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Threatened (Critically Endangered)

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