WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Corysanthes autumnalis

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Name and Authority

Corysanthes autumnalis (A.P.Br. & D.Edmonds) D.L.Jones

Synonyms (previous names)

Corybas autumnalis; Corybas sp. 'peat swamps'

Common Name

Peat Helmet Orchid

Originally Described by

Andrew Brown & D.Edmonds in The Orchadian 19(9): 392-393 (2019) as Corybas autumnalis

Distribution and Habitat

North of Walpole, growing in peaty soils in seasonally damp flats.

Flowering Months

· · · Apr May Jun · · · · · ·


An early flowering species 12–15 mm high (when flowering) with a smooth, rounded, ground-hugging leaf 5–8 mm long by 5–8 mm wide at the time of flowering, increasing to 9–12 mm long by 9–12 mm wide at maturity and a single creamy-white to pinkish-maroon flower 8–10 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the other Western Australian Corysanthes species by its earlier flowering period, small leaf which is often hidden by the flower and distinctive labellum boss with a prominent raised circular ridge.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority Two

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