WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Corysanthes despectans

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Name and Authority

Corysanthes despectans (D.L.Jones & R.C.Nash) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.

Synonyms (previous names)

Corybas despectans; includes Corybas.sp. 'Naturaliste'

Common Name

Sandhill Helmet Orchid

Originally Described by

David Jones & Ray Nash in Muelleria 3(3): 165, fig. 1 (1976) as Corybas despectans

Distribution and Habitat

Israelite Bay to Yallingup, growing in sandy soils in coastal woodlands and shrublands. The species is also found in South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.

Flowering Months

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A coastal species 9–15 mm high (when flowering) with a smooth, rounded, ground-hugging leaf 10–20 mm long by 10–20 mm wide and a single purplish-red and green flower 7–9 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the similarly coloured and sometimes co-occurring coastal species Crystal Helmet Orchid (Corysanthes limpidus) by its smaller flowers and shorter, narrower dorsal sepal.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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