WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Corysanthes sp. 'Hamersley Inlet'

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Name and Authority

Corysanthes sp. 'Hamersley Inlet'

Synonyms (previous names)

Corybas sp. 'Hamersley Inlet'

Common Name

Hamersley Helmet Orchid

Originally Described by


Distribution and Habitat

Bremer Bay to Hamersley Inlet, growing in sandy soils in coastal shrublands.

Flowering Months

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A rare species 10–15 mm high (when flowering) with a smooth, rounded, ground-hugging leaf 10–20 mm long by 10–20 mm wide and a single purplish-red and green flower 9–11 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the related Crystal Helmet Orchid (Corysanthes limpida) by its smaller flowers and later flowering period. Intermediate forms have, however, been found and it may be a natural variant of that species.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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