WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Cyanicula ixioides subsp. ixioides

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Name and Authority

Cyanicula ixioides (Lindl.) Hopper & A.P.Br. subsp. ixioides

Synonyms (previous names)

Caladenia gemmata var. ixioides; Caladenia gemmata forma lutea; Pentisea ixioides

Common Name

Yellow China Orchid

Complex Name

Cyanicula gemmata (China Orchids)

Originally Described by

John Lindley in A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony: lii. (1840) as Caladenia ixioides

Distribution and Habitat

Gingin to Bindoon and east near York, growing in lateritic soils in forests and woodlands, flowering best in the season following summer fire.

Flowering Months

· · · · · · · · Sep Oct · ·


A distinctive subspecies 50–150 mm high with a shortly hairy leaf, 30–40 mm long by 10–20 mm wide, which is tinged reddish-purple on the underside and up to two (rarely three) pale yellow flowers 30–45 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the other members of the Cyanicula gemmata complex by its yellow flowers.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority Four

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