WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Dendrobium dicuphum

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Name and Authority

Dendrobium dicuphum F.Muell.

Synonyms (previous names)

Callista dicupha; Dendrobium affine; Vappodes dicupha

Common Name

Native dendrobium

Originally Described by

Ferdinand von Mueller in Fragm. 8:28 (1873)

Distribution and Habitat

From the Synnot Range and Walcott Inlet, north to the Mitchell Plateau and Bonaparte Archipelago in the north Kimberley, growing in rainforests and near river forests on a variety of tree hosts, the most common being Pouteria sericea and Melaleuca species. The species is also found in the Northern Territory.

Flowering Months

· · · · May Jun Jul Aug Sep · · ·


An attractive species 100–200 mm high with spindle-shaped pseudobulbs 50–350 mm long by 8–12 mm across topped by three to ten, linear-lanceolate, slightly thickened leaves 60–200 mm long by 10–25 mm wide. Inflorescences 150–400 mm in length are produced from the axils of upper leaves and comprise up to 10 pure white to white, purple-suffused flowers 20–50 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It has been considered a form of White Butterfly Orchid (Dendrobium affine) but has shorter inflorescences with less numerous flowers and flowers with narrower lateral petals.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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