WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Dipodium ammolithum

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Name and Authority

Dipodium ammolithum M.D.Barrett, R.L.Barrett & K.W.Dixon

Synonyms (previous names)

Dipodium sp. 'sandstone'

Common Name

Sandstone hyacinth orchid

Originally Described by

Matthew Barrett, Russell Barrett& Kingsley Dixon in Telopea 25:231-233, Fig. 10 (2022)

Distribution and Habitat

Kimberley region, Kalumburu to Edkins Range, growing on sandstone areas including scree slopes and boulder areas, sometimes in deep leaf litter.

Flowering Months

Jan · · · · · · · · · · Dec


An attractive leafless orchid 500–1400 mm high with up to 45 pale pink, unspotted flowers 18–24 mm across. The seed capsule is ribbed, somewhat pendulous and matures quickly to release numerous dust-like seeds.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the other Kimberley Dipodium species by its unmarked petals and sepals and broken sandstone habitat.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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