WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Dipodium basalticum

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Name and Authority

Dipodium basalticum M.D.Barrett, R.L.Barrett & K.W.Dixon

Synonyms (previous names)

Dipodium sp. 'basalt woodland'

Common Name

Basalt hyacinth orchid

Originally Described by

Matthew Barrett, Russell Barrett& Kingsley Dixon in Telopea 25:233-235, Fig. 11 (2022)

Distribution and Habitat

Kimberley region, King Edward River, Mitchell Plateau to Charnley River, growing in red basaltic loams in Eucalyptus savannah. The species is most frequent (though rarely encountered) on the Mitchell Plateau where it is easily spotted against the blackened bushland in recently burnt areas.

Flowering Months

Jan Feb · · · · · · · · · Dec


A robust, attractive leafless orchid 700–1200 mm high with up to 70 pale pink to dark pink, more rarely white, spotted flowers 24–30 mm across which are produced over an extended period.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from Sandstone hyacinth orchid (Dipodium ammolithum) by its taller scapes, more numerous flowers, blotched petals and sepals and different habitat.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority One

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