WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Disa bracteata

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Name and Authority

Disa bracteata Sw.

Synonyms (previous names)

Monadenia bracteata; Monadenia australiensis; Monadenia micrantha

Common Name

South African Orchid

Originally Described by

Olof Swartz in Kongl.Vetensk.Acad.Nya Handl. 21:211 (1800)

Distribution and Habitat

Kalbarri to Esperance, growing in sandy, sandy-clay, lateritic and loamy soils in forests, woodlands and shrublands, often in disturbed areas amongst introduced grasses. In some areas the species is common in shallow soil pockets on granite outcrops.

Flowering Months

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A widespread species 100–400 mm high with numerous smooth basal and cauline leaves 20–150 mm long by 3–15 mm wide and up to 150 drab, green, yellow and dull red flowers 4–5 mm across.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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