WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet


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Name and Authority

Paracaleana Blaxell

Synonyms (previous names)


Common Name

Duck Orchids

Originally Described by

Donald Blaxell in Contr.New South Wales Natl.Herb. 4(3):280 (1972)

Flowering Months

Jan · · · · · · Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Paracaleana species have a smooth leaf which is held flat on the ground or rises at a slight angle, a smooth flowering stem and (in most species) up to two dull greenish-yellow and red flowers, the exceptions being Small Duck Orchid (P. minor) which has up to four flowers and Midget Duck Orchid (P. lyonsii) which has up to 10 flowers. In most species the leaf is short and broad, while in the above two species it is long and narrow. The flowers, which are inverted (upside down), have narrow petals and sepals and broad spreading column wings that almost enclose the stigma. They also have a glandular labellum that flicks back when touched.

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