WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Pterostylis arida

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Name and Authority

Pterostylis arida G.Brockman & C.J.French

Synonyms (previous names)

Pterostylis sp. 'Paynes Find'

Common Name

Paynes Find Rufous Greenhood

Complex Name

Pterostylis rufa (Rufus Greenhoods)

Originally Described by

Garry Brockman & Christopher French in Nuytsia 35: 27-29 (2024)

Distribution and Habitat

Creedo Station to north of Yalgoo, growing in soil pockets on granite outcrops and rocky hills and also occasionally in deeper sandy soil in surrounding woodlands and shrublands.

Flowering Months

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A northern species 100–180 mm high with seven to 11 leaves forming a ground-hugging basal rosette 30–50 mm across and up to seven translucent, pale brown and white flowers 10–12 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the related Spoon-lipped Rufous Greenhood (Pterostylis spathulata) by its shorter stature, fewer, smaller flowers, earlier flowering period and more northerly and north-easterly distribution.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority Three

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