WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Pterostylis sinuata

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Name and Authority

Pterostylis sinuata (D.L.Jones) Janes & Duretto

Synonyms (previous names)

Pterostylis sp. 'Northampton'; Pterostylis aff. cycnocephala; Hymenochilus sinuatus

Common Name

Northhampton Midget Greenhood

Complex Name

Pterostylis mutica (Midget Greenhoods)

Originally Described by

David Jones in The Orchadian 16(4): 180-182, Fig. 3 (2009) as Hymenochilus sinuatus

Distribution and Habitat

Northampton to Port Gregory, growing in sandy-clay and clay soils in seasonally wet depressions and seepage areas. The species is often found in open situations in otherwise dense shrubland.

Flowering Months

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A geographically restricted species 50–120 mm high with five to 10 leaves forming a ground-hugging basal rosette 30–40 mm across, two to three cauline leaves and up to 20 small, greenish-yellow flowers 5–6 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the related Midget Greenhood (Pterostylis mutica) by its lighter green flowers, wavy margined rosette leaves and north-westerly distribution.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Threatened (Critically Endangered)

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