WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Rhizanthella johnstonii

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Name and Authority

Rhizanthella johnstonii K.W.Dixon & Christenh.

Synonyms (previous names)

Rhizanthella species 'Munglinup'

Common Name

South Coast Underground Orchid

Originally Described by

Kingsley Dixon & Maarten Christenhusz in Phytotaxa 334:75-79, Figs. 2A, 3 (2018)

Distribution and Habitat

North of Munglinup, growing in dense thickets of Melaleuca hamata, M. uncinata and a closely related unnamed Melaleuca species. Soil is coarse sandy-clay or sandy-loam with a thin layer of leaf litter.

Flowering Months

· · · · · Jun Jul · · · · ·


A rare species with up to 60 small, inward facing, white and pink suffused flowers 4–5 mm across, surrounded by six to eight (rarely to 10) large cream to pale pinkish-cream floral bracts which form a tulip-like head.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the closely related Western Underground Orchid (Rhizanthella gardneri) by its usually later flowering period, paler coloured floral bracts, less numerous flowers and more southerly distribution.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Threatened (Critically Endangered)


Named in honour of WA Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group member(s): Lionel Johnston

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