WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet


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Name and Authority

Thelymitra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

Common Name

Sun Orchids

Originally Described by

Johann Forster & George Forster in Char.Gen.Pl. p97, t. 49. (1775)

Flowering Months

Jan Feb · · May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Thelymitra species have from one to over 20 brightly coloured flowers ranging from white, yellow, orange, red and brown to various shades of blue, mauve and purple. In all species the petals and sepals are similar in size and shape, the conspicuous column however is often adorned with prominent glands and wings. With the exception of Custard Orchid (Thelymitra villosa), which has a hairy leaf, all species have a smooth leaf.

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