WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Thelymitra pulcherrima

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Name and Authority

Thelymitra pulcherrima Jeanes

Synonyms (previous names)

Thelymitra aff. variegata

Common Name

Northern Queen of Sheba

Complex Name

Thelymitra spiralis/variegata (Lobed Sun Orchids, the Queens)

Originally Described by

Jeffrey Jeanes in Muelleria 27:168-169, Figs. 9, 12d-f (2009)

Distribution and Habitat

Eneabba to Joondalup, growing in sandy and gravelly soils in shrublands.

Flowering Months

· · · · · Jun Jul Aug Sep · · ·


A colourful species 150–350 mm high with a narrow, smooth leaf 40–70 mm long by 5–10 mm wide at its widest point and up to five pink, mauve, purple and yellow, prominently blotched flowers 25 to 35 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the related Queen of Sheba (Thelymitra variegata) by its more contrastingly coloured petals and sepals, usually earlier flowering period and more northerly distribution.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Priority Two

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