WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Thelymitra tigrina

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Name and Authority

Thelymitra tigrina R.Br.

Common Name

Tiger Orchid

Complex Name

Thelymitra 'other'

Originally Described by

Robert Brown in Prodr. 315 (1810)

Distribution and Habitat

Perth to Augusta and eastwards to Wellstead with disjunct populations east of Esperance, growing in seasonally wet areas that are still moist during the species’ summer flowering period.

Flowering Months

Jan · · · · · · · · · Nov Dec


A small, late flowering species 150–400 mm (rarely to 700 mm) high with a narrow, smooth leaf 100–150 mm long by 2.5–4 mm wide and up to 15 small, lemon-yellow, brown blotched flowers 9–11 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from the other yellow flowered Thelymitra species by its late flowering period, small brown blotched flowers and distinctive column with a short glandular mid lobe.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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