WANOSCG Orchid Fact Sheet

Thelymitra uliginosa

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Name and Authority

Thelymitra uliginosa Jeanes

Common Name

Southern Curly Locks

Complex Name

Thelymitra spiralis/spiralis (Lobed Sun Orchids)

Originally Described by

Jeffrey Jeanes in Muelleria 27:159-160, Figs. 4,10g-i (2009)

Distribution and Habitat

Yallingup to Condingup with disjunct populations south east of Armadale, growing in seasonally damp areas surrounding peaty swamps and granite outcrops.

Flowering Months

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A mainly lower southwestern species 100–300 mm high with a narrow, smooth leaf 50–90 mm long by 3–8 mm wide at its wide st point and up to two (rarely three) deep blue-mauve, striped flowers 20–25 mm across.

Distinguishing Features

It is distinguished from other members of the Thelymitra spiralis complex by its smaller, deeper blue-mauve, self-pollinating flowers.

WA Conservation Code (Threatened Status)

Not Listed

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