This key enables the user to identify the adult frogs of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
This key was created by Matthew Bulbert and Kindi Smith, of the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Research, Australian Museum, Sydney. Key construction, taxonomic decisions and content were by Matthew Bulbert, technical assistance by Kindi Smith.
The key has been constructed from examination of preserved specimens held at the Museum, original taxonomic descriptions and published keys, especially Cogger (2000), Robinson (1995), Barker et al (1995). Further input has been supplied by various experts within the field of frog research.
The key has been designed for people with varying degrees of prior knowledge of frogs, from the general enthusiast to research scientist. The terminology has been kept simple but is supported by a glossary and illustrations.
At the time of writing the authors are aware of undescribed species from New South Wales. Work is currently being conducted on revising Kyarranus sp, and the Litoria citropa complex.
Australian Museum
Key Author(s): Matthew Bulbert and Kindi Smith Key Publisher: Australian Museum Key Version: 1.0
Frogs of New South Wales Lucid key taxon image gallery example
Frogs of New South Wales Lucid key interface
Frogs of New South Wales Lucid key feature image gallery example