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A sweetpotato stem is cylindrical and its length, like that of the internodes, depends on the growth habit of the cultivar and the availability of water in the soil.  The erect cultivars are approximately 1 metre long, while the very spreading ones can reach more than 5-metre long.  Some cultivars have stems with twining characteristics.  The internode length can vary from short to very long, and according to stem diameter, can be thin or thick.


Depending on the cultivar, the stem colour varies from green to totally pigmented with anthocyanin (red purple colour).  The hairiness in the apical shoots, and in some cultivars also in the stems, varies from glabrous (without hairs) to very pubescent (very hairy).



Source: Huaman, Z. Systemic botany and morphology of the sweetpotato plant. Technical Information Bulletin 25. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru. 22 p.

Growth habit

Root system



Fruit and seeds

Storage root

Stages of plant development

Sweetpotato stem (Z. Huaman).