This is a Lucid key (based on the 4th stage or pupa case) to identify the known genera and some species of the Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera: Sternorryncha). 


This LUCID Key updates the identification of the genera in the 4th (pupal stage) comprising two subfamilies, the Aleurodicinae and the Aleyrodinae (Hemiptera-Sternorrhyncha-Aleyrodidae). It will make available a compendium that will include the most recent data regarding the distribution, host, natural enemies, morphology & the taxonomy. This project hopes to update the taxonomic position of the species, placing them in the most current generic classification. The key will separate the various stages of the Aleyrodidae (crawler, 2nd,  3rd , and the 4th stage, the pupa) but only identify to the genera, and in some cases of the Aleurodicinae, the species level. This key will currently address only the pupal (fourth) stage, covering 20 known genera [Martin 2008] of the Aleurodicinae and 27+ genera of the Aleyrodinae.

If you are already comfortable with the separation of the subfamilies and various genera, please click on to the key to the appropriate subfamily to access the genera and, in some cases, to the species of these Aleurodicine genera: Aleurodicus, Aleuronudus, Dialeurodicus, Metaleurodicus, Palaealeurodicus, and Paraleyrodes. I have also included keys to the genera of the Aleyrodinae including taxonomic groups that are similar, such as those with dorsal folds and the two commonly intercepted tribes (Dialeurodini and the Trialeurodini).

I have also included images for many species. Just click on the links. Always start the key in consecutive order.  Do not go out of order bypassing features.  Please note that a particular key may not determine a specific species in some cases or no selections; if so, go on to next choice.  When two or more species are listed without any more options, you may wish to review the description of those species to determine the similarities & differences to see if they can be separated and the species identified.

button2 Aleyrodidae key to stages and subfamilies copy.jpg


button5 Aleurodicus key to species.jpg   button6 Aleuronudus key to species.jpg   button7 Dialeurodicus.jpg


button8 Metaleurodicus key to sp.jpg        button10 Palaealeurodicus key to species.jpg        button9 Paraleurodicus key to sp.jpg



button16 Host list excel.jpg    button17 Host list htm.jpg    button18 Glossary.jpg    button19 Bibliography.jpg


button4 Aleurodicinae sp list.jpg     button12 Aleyrodinae species list.jpg       Evans World Whitefly calatogue.jpg        


            button Evans Whitefly website.jpg (distribution, Host, and parasite data) by Dr. Greg Evans                                                         button Back to Welcome page.jpg            

Please send comments, corrections to the following:


John Dooley


389 Oyster Point Blvd. Suite 2A

South San Francisco, Ca 94080


650-8760915 (fax)

[email protected]

[email protected]


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