
Crayfish, shrimps, prawns and crabs

Code OT999999


Crustaceans (with segmented, chitin-encased body and articulated appendages) belonging to the class Malacostraca - that is, possessing a body clearly divided into a 5- segmented head, an 8-segmented thorax and an abdomen of 6 (rarely 7) segments with 'swimmerets' (pleopods). Each segment may bear a pair of segmented appendages unless reduced. The first antenna is two-branched (biramous), the second antenna has its expodite (the outer branch) scale-like.

The order Decapoda is recognised amongst Malacostraca by the presence of a carapace that completely covers the dorsal and lateral thorax.

The Australian freshwater fauna comprises the families Parastacidae, Palaemonidae, Atyidae, Hymenosomatidae, Sundathelphusidae and Grapsidae.


Horwitz, P. (1995) A Preliminary Key to the species of Decapoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) found in Australian Inland Waters . Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology Identification Guide No. 5., Albury, NSW.