
The Poduroidea is one of two superfamilies of Arthropleona found in Australia. There are five families known to occur in Australia.


Code QA019999

Family of poduroid Collembola found predominantly in the more humid parts of Australia. Some species are marine littoral, others live in rotting logs. Typically eyeless and white or pale in colour but the family also includes some large, dark coloured species. Many have a double-lobed tip to the abdomen. Legs and antennae always short, furca short or absent. Body segments plump and well rounded, generally patterned with large, round tubercles.


Code QA029999

Family of poduroid Collembola found mostly in humid forest leaf litter. Legs, antennae and furca short. Body segments mostly well rounded. Abdomen generally deeper (ie. longer dorso-ventrally) than thorax.


Codes QA039999, QA049999

Two families of poduroid Collembola, found predominantly in the more humid parts of Australia. Legs and antennae short, furca short or absent. Body segments rounded.

The only consistent difference between these two families is that mandibles are never present in Brachystomellidae and always present in Hypogastruridae.

The presence/absence of mandibles reflects feeding mode, and it is reasonable to surmise that loss of mandibles has occurred several times. It would follow that Hypogastruridae most probably is paraphyletic and Brachystomellidae polyphyletic. Neither family is well defined, although together they may comprise a single evolutionary unit. Taxonomic revision is needed.

Seeing the mandibles

The mandibles of Collembola can be seen only in cleared and mounted specimens: Clear in Nesbitt's solution (chloral hydrate 40g; conc. hydrochloric acid 2.5mls; distilled water 37mls) for between a few minutes (pale specimens) and several days (dark specimens). Do not overclear. Mount in Berlese mounting medium (in order of addition: distilled water 20mls; gum arabic 15g; chloral hydrate 50g; glycerine 5mls; glacial acetic acid 5mls) and examine with a good quality compound microscope.


Code QA059999

Family of poduroid Collembola found in soil. A majority, perhaps all species in the subfamily Onychiurinae are introduced. Body segments rounded, but not as much as in most other Poduroidea. Colour white, pale yellow or pale pink. Eyes absent. Antennae and legs short. Furca absent. Secretory organs "pseudocelli" distributed in rows on thorax and abdomen.