
Code QH669999

Water bugs resembling Belostomatidae but considerably smaller (less than 11mm long) and lacking discernible venation on the forewing membrane. The head is wide and rounded or somewhat pointed. In one Australian genus ( Naucoris , Naucorinae Code QH660199 ) the antennae are not visible from above and forelegs are raptorial. In the other ( Aphelocheirus , Aphelocheirinae, Code QH660299 ) the antennae are just visible from above, the forelegs are not raptorial, and the hind legs carry prominent swimming hairs.

Most species are found in weedy ponds or slow running waters


Carver, M., Gross, G.F. and Woodward, T.E. (1991) Hemiptera. pp. 429-509. In: CSIRO, Insects of Australia. Volume 1. Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Victoria.