
Code QT189999

The family Calocidae cannot be separated from the Helicophidae. Medium to large Trichoptera inhabiting small, cool streams in forested areas. One Tasmanian species has terrestrial larvae.

Larvae build slightly curved cases from sand grains and plant debris. The larval head is ovoid, antennae close to anterior margins of the eyes. Mesonotal sclerites reduced posteriorly. Metanotum with 4 or more setae in each anteromesal setal area. Abdominal segment 1 with small dorsal and lateral humps. No abdominal gills or lateral fringe. Segment 8 with a row of bifid spicules and segment 9 without a dorsal sclerite.

The family, which used to be included in the Sericostomatidae, is restricted to Australia and New Zealand. Five genera containing a total of 18 species are known from Australia.


Dean, J.C., St Clair, R.M. and Cartwright, D.J. (1995) A key to late instar larvae of Australian Trichoptera families. In: Hawking, J.H. (ed.) Monitoring River Health initiative: Taxonomic Workshop Handbook. Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Victoria, Australia.

Jackson, J.E. (1991) The larvae of Calocidae and Conoesucidae from Tasmania. Taxonomy Workshop, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Victoria, Australia.

Neboiss, A. (1991) Trichoptera. pp. 787-816. In: CSIRO, Insects of Australia . Volume 2. Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Victoria.

Neboiss, A. (1992) Illustrated keys to the families and genera of Australian Trichoptera. 1. Adults. Australian Society for Limnology Special Publication 9. pp. 87.