

Large cased caddisflies found in medium-sized, fast-flowing montane streams in south-east Australia and Tasmania. Larval case tubular, constructed of an untidy combination of plant and mineral materials. Larvae feed on detritus and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) in low- to middle order lotic conditions.

Larval head longer or slightly longer than wide, antennae mid way between eye and lateral margin. Mesonotal sclerite usually undivided, metanotum with 2-3 pairs of small sclerites. Prosternal horn present. Abdominal gills present, branched. Lateral fringe present. Row of bifid spicules present above lateral fringe but not on segment 8.

The family Limnephilidae is speciose in the cool temperate parts of the world, but there is only 1 genus containing 3 species known from Australia, from the south-east including Tasmania.


Dean, J.C., St Clair, R.M. and Cartwright, D.J. (1995) A key to late instar larvae of Australian Trichoptera families. In: Hawking, J.H. (ed.) Monitoring River Health initiative: Taxonomic Workshop Handbook. Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Victoria, Australia.

Neboiss, A. (1991) Trichoptera. pp. 787-816. In: CSIRO, Insects of Australia . Volume 2. Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Victoria.

Neboiss, A. (1992) Illustrated keys to the families and genera of Australian Trichoptera. 1. Adults. Australian Society for Limnology Special Publication 9. pp. 87.