Storage root formation and defects

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Storage root formation


The formation of storage roots can be in clusters around the stem.  If the root stalk that joins the root to the stem is absent or very short, it forms a closed cluster. If the stalk is long, it forms an open cluster.  In some cultivars, the storage roots are formed  at a considerable distance  from the stem and therefore, the storage root formation is disperse or very disperse. 


Storage root surface


The storage root surface is usually smooth but some cultivars show some defects such as alligator-skin, prominent veins, horizontal constrictions or longitudinal grooves.  Lenticels are also located on the surface which can be protuberant in some cultivars due to excess water in the soil.



Source: Huaman, Z. Systemic botany and morphology of the sweetpotato plant. Technical Information Bulletin 25. International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru. 22 p.


Storage root parts

Storage root shape

Storage root formation (Z. Huaman).


Storage root defects (Z. Huaman).