Family: Calliphoridae
Subfamily: Calliphorinae
Genus: Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy 1830
Subgenus: Paracalliphora Townsend 1916
Species: fulvicoxa Hardy 1930
The immature stages are unknown.
Hardy (1937) observed Calliphora fulvicoxa ovipositing on decaying carrion, although it was not attracted to fresh carrion. It is unlikely that C. fulvicoxa is involved in myiasis of animals or humans, as it is not normally reared from carrion and is rarely attracted to fly traps (Kurahashi 1971).
Calliphora fulvicoxa has been recorded throughout eastern Australia, including the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
Relevant Literature
G.H. (1937). Notes on the genus Calliphora (Diptera).
Proceedings of the
Linnean Society of New South Wales 62, 17-26.
Kurahashi, H. (1971) The tribe Calliphorini from Australian and Oriental regions. II. Calliphora-group (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Pacific Insects 13, 141-204.