AVH distribution map




Longitudinal surface



Voucher:   Owenia acidula F.Muell.  JAB125

Family:  Meliaceae  Common name(s):  Emu plum, sour plum, sour apple, gooya, gruie, colane

Habit:  Tree 4-8 m tall.  Distribution: Northern New South Wales, southern Queensland, north-east South Australia and central Northern Territory; disjunct population in Hamersley region of Western Australia.

General features: Density 900-1000 kg/m3 .   Heartwood reddish-brown and darker than sapwood.   

Microscopic features:

Vessels  Tangential vessel diameter: range 25-99 µm; mean 62 µm; SD 19 µm; average maximum 74-99 µm; n =  86 vessels.  Vessels per square millimetre: range 36-53 vessels per mm2;  n =  3 sampled areas.  Vessels arranged in radial multiples usually of 2-3.  Perforation plates simple without prominent rim. 

Axial parenchyma   Axial parenchyma paratracheal and aliform to confluent.  Marginal bands present. 

Rays  Rays 1-3(4) cells wide with uniseriate rays present (n = 76 rays).  Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels.  Rays 8-10 per tangential mm (n =   3 sampled areas).  Ray height: range 121-406 µm; mean 225 µm; SD 70 µm; n =   35 rays.   Rays homocellular or heterocellular?  

Helical thickenings  Absent.

Physical and chemical tests:  Chrome azurol-s test negative.   Heartwood fluorescence absent.    Froth test weakly positive to negative.   Ethanol extract fluorescence absent.  Ethanol extract colourless. Water extract discoloured.  Water extract fluorescence absent.


Aboriginal  Shelters and windbreaks (Latz 1995)

Endgrain (note marginal bands of parenchyma)

Vessels in radial multiples (XS)

Parenchyma paratracheal aliform to confluent (XS)

Simple perforation rim (TLS)

Vessel-vessel pits (TLS)

Rays 1-3(4) cells wide (TLS)