Voucher: Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd. JAB113 Previously known as P. phylliraeoides.
Family: Pittosporaceae Common name(s): Native apricot, weeping pittosporum , native willow, poisonberry tree, apricot tree, berigan, butterbush, meemeei
Habit: Shrub or small tree to 6 m tall. Distribution: Widespread in arid regions and semi-arid regions of mainland Australia; occurs in all mainland states.
General features: Density 800 kg/m3 . Pale wood with heartwood indistinct from sapwood.
Microscopic features:
Vessels Tangential vessel diameter: range 20-56 µm; mean 32 µm; SD 8 µm; average maximum 40-46 µm; n = 310 vessels. Vessels per square millimetre not recorded for vessels arranged in dendritic or tangential bands (IAWA 1989: 259). Vessels are in clusters and tangential bands - strictly speaking they form a dendritic arrangement. Perforation plates simple with prominent rim.
Axial parenchyma Axial parenchyma banded.
Rays Rays 1-3(4) cells wide with uniseriate rays present (n = 76 rays). Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels. Rays 8-10 per tangential mm (n = 3 sampled areas). Ray height: range 121-406 µm; mean 225 µm; SD 70 µm; n = 35 rays. Rays heterocellular?
Helical thickenings Present.
Physical and chemical tests: Chrome azurol-s test negative. Heartwood fluorescence absent. Froth test positive. Ethanol extract fluorescence absent. Ethanol extract colourless. Water extract colourless. Water extract fluorescence absent.