AVH distribution map



Longitudinal surface




Voucher:   Pittosporum angustifolium  Lodd.  JAB113  Previously known as P. phylliraeoides.

Family:  Pittosporaceae  Common name(s):  Native apricot, weeping pittosporum , native willow, poisonberry tree, apricot tree, berigan, butterbush, meemeei

Habit:  Shrub or small tree to 6 m tall.  Distribution: Widespread in arid regions and semi-arid regions of mainland Australia; occurs in all mainland states.

General features: Density 800 kg/m3 .  Pale wood with heartwood indistinct from sapwood.   

Microscopic features:

Vessels  Tangential vessel diameter: range 20-56 µm; mean 32 µm; SD 8 µm; average maximum 40-46 µm; n =  310 vessels.  Vessels per square millimetre not recorded for vessels arranged in dendritic or tangential bands (IAWA 1989: 259).  Vessels are in clusters and tangential bands - strictly speaking they form a dendritic arrangement.   Perforation plates simple with prominent rim. 

Axial parenchyma   Axial parenchyma banded.

Rays  Rays 1-3(4) cells wide with uniseriate rays present (n = 76 rays).  Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels.  Rays 8-10 per tangential mm (n =   3 sampled areas).  Ray height: range 121-406 µm; mean 225 µm; SD 70 µm; n =    35 rays.   Rays heterocellular?  

Helical thickenings  Present.

Physical and chemical tests:  Chrome azurol-s test negative.   Heartwood fluorescence absent.    Froth test positive.   Ethanol extract fluorescence absent.  Ethanol extract colourless. Water extract colourless.   Water extract fluorescence absent.

Vessels in clusters and tangential bands (dendritic) (XS)

Parenchyma banded (XS)

Fibres, parenchyma (XS)

Fibres (XS)

Rays 1-3(4) cells wide

Note helical thickenings (TLS)

Vessel-vessel pits, helical thickenings (TLS)

Radial surface (RLS)

Rays heterocellular? (RLS)

Prominent simple perforation rim (RLS)