AVH distribution map


Fruits, leaves


Longitudinal surface



Voucher:   Schinus molle L. JAB190  Previously known as Schinus areira.

Family:  Anacardiaceae  Common name(s):  Pepper-tree

Habit:  Tree to 10 m tall.  Distribution: Introduced (South America).  Cultivated and naturalised in South Australia, southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria; widely planted but not naturalised in southern Western Australia.

General features: Density 600 kg/m3.   Heartwood absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood. 

Microscopic features:

Vessels  Tangential vessel diameter: range 14-71 µm; mean 28 µm; SD 11 µm; average maximum 39-50 µm; n =  209 vessels.  Vessels per square millimetre: range 147-159 vessels per mm2 ; n =  2 sampled areas.  Vessels arranged in radial multiples occasionally with 4 or more vessels and occasionally with clusters.  Perforation plates simple.

Axial parenchyma   Axial parenchyma paratracheal and scanty to vasicentric.

Rays  Rays 2-5 cells wide with uniseriate rays absent (n = 75 rays).  Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels.  Rays 9-14 per tangential mm (n =   7 sampled areas).  Ray height: range 78-366 µm; mean 209 µm; SD 65 µm; n =   7 rays.   Rays heterocellular.  

Helical thickenings  Present.

Physical and chemical tests:  Chrome azurol-s test negative. 

Notes:  Heartwood-dependent characters are not assessed for wood where heartwood is absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood until such time it can be reliably determined that heartwood is present.


Vessels in radial multiples and clusters (XS)

Parenchyma paratracheal scanty to vasicentric (XS)

Fibres (XS)

Helical thickenings (TLS)

Radial surface (RLS)

Rays heterocellular (RLS)

Rays 2-5 cells wide, uniseraite rays absent (TLS)

Simple perforation rim (TLS)

Vessel-vessel pits (inner vessel wall) (TLS)

Vessel-vessel pits (TLS)