Voucher: Tamarix aphylla (L.)H.Karst JAB115
Family: Tamaricaceae Common name(s): Athel pine, athel tamarix , athel tree
Habit: Tree to 10 m tall. Distribution: Introduced (Africa/Europe/India). Commonly planted in arid and semi-arid regions, rarely becoming naturalised.
General features: Density 900 kg/m3 . Heartwood absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood. Longitudinal surface characterised by ray fleck visible to the naked eye; ray fleck is particularly evident if wood is roughly sawn to expose the radial surface. Rays distinctly visible on cross-section with naked eye.
Microscopic features:
Vessels Tangential vessel diameter: range 11-101 µm; mean 51 µm; SD 22 µm; average maximum 69-85 µm; n = 122 vessels. Vessels per square millimetre: range 47-73 vessels per mm2 ; n = 3 sampled areas. Vessels arranged in radial multiples usually of 2-3 vessels. Perforation plates simple.
Axial parenchyma Axial parenchyma paratracheal and vasicentric.
Rays Rays 5-15 cells wide with uniseriate rays absent (n = 30 rays). Rays of uniform width and not wider than vessels. Rays 3-4 per tangential mm (n = 7 sampled areas). Ray height: range 433-2663 µm; mean 1157 µm; SD 464 µm; n = 4 rays. Rays heterocellular or homocellular? Abundant prismatic crystals in ray cells.
Helical thickenings Uncertain.
Physical and chemical tests: Chrome azurol-s test negative.
Notes: Heartwood-dependent characters are not assessed for wood where heartwood is absent or visually indiscernible from sapwood until such time it can be reliably determined that heartwood is present.