Clypeal Pubescence

Locating the clypeus

The clypeus is the anterior part of the head visible in dorsal view, and is demarkated from the rest of the head by the frontoclypeal suture.

Figure 1. Head of Anoplognathus - dorsal view

Move cursor over image to locate character

head of Anoplognathus species

Drawing Figure 1 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

Clypeal pubescence

This character refers to the dorsal part of the clypeus, excluding the anterior face of the upturned apex. Pubescence on the clypeus is often difficult to see, because the setae may be short and brown. It is best viewed laterally. Females often have the setae abraded.

There are two states

  1. with moderately close erect setae - Figure 2A

  2. without setae - Figure 2B

Figure 2. Head of Anoplognathus - dorsal and lateral view

Move cursor over small image to view larger images

clypeal disc pubescence - setose clypeal disc pubescence - without setae
clypeal disc pubescence - larger image

Dorsal View Lateral View

scale bar equals 1mm
Photos Figure 2 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

