Elytral Disc Texture

Locating the elytral disc

The elytra are the two large sclerites posterior to the pronotum, which cover the wings. The elytral disc excludes the marginal area of each elytron.

Figure 1. Dorsal view of Anoplognathus

Move cursor over image to locate character.

doral image of Anoplognathus sp.

Photo Figure 1 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

Elytral texture

There are two states

  1. with convex unpunctured intervals between striae (Figure 2A)

  2. with flat punctured intervals between striae, or non-striate (Figure 1 and Figure 2B)

Figure 2. Dorsal view of elytral disc texture

Move cursor over small image to view larger image

elytral disc texture -  with longitudinal ridges between striaeelytral disc texture - without longitudinal ridges between striae

elytral disc texture - larger image

scale bar equals 1mm
Photos Figure 2 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

