Pygidial Disc Colour

Locating the pygidium

The pygidium is the last visible dorsal segment of the abdomen and is the most posterior part of the body in dorsal view.

Figure 1. Dorsal view of Anoplognathus

Move cursor over image to locate character

dorsal image of Anoplognathus sp.

Photo Figure 1 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

States of pygidial disc colour

The following states refer to the broad central area of the pygidium, excluding the margins which may be different. Colours are best examined in natural light.

There are five states

  1. metallic dark green (Figure 2A)

  2. brownish-green (Figure 2B)

  3. reddish-brown with weak metallic reflection (metallic reflections may be green, gold, red, blue or violet) (Figure 2C)

  4. dull reddish-brown (Figure 2D)

  5. dark brown (Figure 2E)

Figure 2. Posterior view of pygidium

Move cursor over small image to view larger image

pygidial disc colour - metallic dark greenpygidial disc colour - brownish-greenpygidial disc colour - brown  weak metallic reflectiondull reddish-brownpygidial disc colour - dark brown
pygidial disc colour - larger image swaps

scale bar equals 1mm
Photos Figure 2 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

